Digital Delivery is best for your Content.
Publishing companies are adopting the SMART Publishing platforms for web editions or container apps for tablets and smart phones. Publishers use their current subscription management process and control the delivery of their digital content. This also allows publishers many options including an ability to bundle digital and print editions they currently exist. A digital replication of your print content will only help brand your business and reach a larger audience.
Return on investment (ROI): The SMART publishing platform was designed to allow rapid production of digital interactive magazines without the need to recruit special staff. 24/7 tracking stats allow publishers to measure reader behavior, manage subscriptions and create multiple revenue channels. Payback is typically from 3 to 9 months.
Advertising opportunities: Customers make an affirmative declaration of interest in digital content now that it is Easley accessible on today’s mobile devices. This highly targeted group of readers is of strong interest to sponsors and advertisers.
Cloud publishing with no IT investment: The SMART publishing platform is available 24/7 to the publisher’s staff and designed for ease of use with no technical knowledge needed. There is no hardware or software investment required for publishers with our SMART publishing platform. Delivery of digital content is through our global content delivery system. There is no need for training office staff in order to convert your content to a digital platform.
Data and statistics: At the heart of all things digital is data. The SMART publishing system has utilized Google Analytics to monitor its popularity. This tool will help you to build a more effective strategy for dealing with your clients and business partners. Built-in data capture systems on both web and app formats. Using Google Analytics insures your data and statistics are accurate and cannot be manipulated or inflated by third party solutions.